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What's New?.... Well on July 25th "J" and myself( Baby) drove over to Garden City,NY and metthe group Play and Chris Trousdale. As always we went there EARLY! To be honest, it was worth the wait! The girls of PLAY were amazing and Chris looked even HOTTER and did an amazing job performing. Here are some pics below, all the pics will be added to the photo page within the next week or so. THIS PAGE IS UNDER LOTS OF CONSTRUCTION! Having Problems loading the pics, but they will be up soon! NEW VIDEO FOR SALEEEE!!! PLAY on august 24th th tape is great and I have amazing pics from the performance. go to STUFF TO BYYUY for more info! C H R I S - T R O U D A L E - P R O J E C T!!!!! Nexxxxxt I want to tlak to you about a CHRIS PROJECT. The project will be starting soon and ending very fast. We want to be able to give this gift to Chris during "The Biggest Fan Tour". If you have any ideas, suggestions on what kinda of project it should be and what we should include please give us some info. This book is about chris and US the fans. SO lets make it a project he'll always keep,remember and love having. Welll sorrrryyyy everyone... I have been in a contant movement issue... I am going through alot right now, medically. sooo its been a set back for me to try n do things for the site. I am trying to find someone to make a the site complete,y different with flash and everything. ALSO, weve had alot of new members join! so I want to say THANX for showing some hris trousdale luvin! LoL. I promise to update as soon as I can. thanks to the fans, who have helped chris all alone and are still standing strong behind him.!!!. |